organization chart
organization chart
post | identity | (an) incumbent |
representative of a board of directors | Yoshimu Tanaka | President, Tanaka Clinic, Jinzenkai Medical Corporation |
managing director | Masahiko Shirotani | Director, Luke's Ashiya Clinic |
director | Kensho Yorozu | Medical Corporation Ishinkai Yorozu Clinic, Chairman of the Board of Directors |
director | Kunihiro Kitamura | President, Kitamura Clinic, Kiwakai Medical Corporation |
director | Yuichi Kawai | President and Director, Kawai Internal Medicine Clinic, YUAKAI Medical Corporation |
supervisor | Goro Tsukamoto | Former Director and General Manager of Drug Discovery Research Laboratories, Bell Boss Co. |
trustee | Shin Shimizu | clinical technologist |
trustee | Mikiko Tanaka | President, Shinbiosis, Inc. |
trustee | Sachiko Shimizu | Registered dietitian and full-time medicinal herbs lecturer at Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine |
Academic Advisor | Yoshitaka Fukuzawa | Professor, Comprehensive Center for Preemptive and Integrative Medicine, Aichi Medical University Hospital |
chief advisor | Tameo Iwasaki | Former General Manager, Tanabe Seiyaku Drug Discovery Research Laboratories Former Managing Director and current Advisor, Sysmex Corporation |
Technical Advisor | Yukio Hamaguchi | Currently Coordinator for Medical-Industrial Collaboration and Research Support, Institute for Advanced Medical Engineering, University of Hyogo Former Senior Executive Officer of Sysmex Corporation and President and Representative Director of Sysmex International Reagents Co. |
Technical Advisor | Hideaki Shima | Former Project Creative Manager, Open Innovation Organization, Kyoto University |
All of our board members work as "pro bono" members without compensation.
The term "pro bono" refers to social contribution activities in which experts in various fields offer their knowledge and skills free of charge (or the individuals doing the activities).
By combining their specialized knowledge and experience, they work as a non-profit organization to establish a new type of medical care.