
March 21, 2024intestinal bacteriamicrobe

No.6 Introduction of Recent Papers on Microbiome Research (Frontiers of Microorganisms and Intestinal Bacteria)

In this issue, we are mixing a few interesting picks from Japanese papers.Those that I personally find interesting are marked with a Star. With genomic analysis technology readily available, the number of publications on the invisible microbiome, or gut bacteria, has increased exponentially over the past decade or so. Here we regularly present articles collected […]

March 15, 2024intestinal bacteriamicrobe

No.5 Introduction of Recent Papers on Microbiome Research (Frontiers of Microorganisms and Intestinal Bacteria)

In the early days, papers on associations between bacterial face (species) and disease were prominent, but recently, many studies seem to focus on metabolism (function) and transcriptome. With genomic analysis technology readily available, the number of publications on the invisible microbiome, or gut bacteria, has increased exponentially over the past decade or so. Here we […]

March 01, 2024intestinal bacteriamicrobePapers

no.4 Introduction of Recent Papers on Microbiome Research (Microorganisms, Frontiers of Intestinal Bacteria)

Is it just me or does it seem like there are so many review papers lately…Well, I am very grateful to you for compiling them. I also get the impression that people in the nutrition field are becoming quite interested in the microbiome.I would like to see modern nutritional science updated, such as calories and […]

September 30, 2021Medical Corporation Jinzenkai Tanaka Clinic

【Original Research Article】An article has been published in “Nutrients”.

An article by Dr. Zen Tanaka (President , Tanaka Clinic, Jinzenkai Medical Corporation ), President of our study group, was published in “Nutrients”. Optimizing nutrients, digestive capacity, and immunity is important to reduce the risk of cancer. The first and most important step in this process is to optimize gut bacteria. In the paper, the […]

September 07, 2020Conference Presentations and Original Papers


We are pleased to announce that our paper on the usefulness of UFB in FMT has been submitted to the journal Bioactive Compounds In Health And Disease and has been successfully accepted.It is open access, so anyone can read the full text for free. We have come this far believing that the use of UFB […]