Intestinal flora transplantation and case studies

Constipation, dysautonomia, and other illnesses -Fecal microbiota transplantation case report of a woman in her 30s

Case presentation: Female in her 30s, constipation, dysautonomia, other illnesses (under follow-up)


She has been diagnosed with polycystic ovaries due to irregular menstrual periods. Due to stress and other factors, her cravings for sweets increased and she began to gain weight. She was careful with her diet and once her weight improved, but around that time, around August 2018, she started losing hair and also had irregular menstruation, so she started hormone therapy at her gynecologist. She stopped the hormone treatment because of her health problems and further weight gain due to the hormone treatment. After discontinuing hormone therapy, her weight did not decrease and her hair loss was not cured.
She had been using laxatives for constipation since she was about 20 years old, but they were no longer effective and she started using enemas. Since then, he has had to use enemas in combination with constipation to have a bowel movement at all. However, even if it comes out, his tummy does not feel relieved, and he suffers from a strong tummy ache. Therefore, she takes enema twice a day, but it does not clear her stomach. The examination at the gastroenterologist’s office showed that her intestines were not moving and that a large amount of gas was accumulating.
I am concerned about swelling of my face and abdomen.
He visited our clinic in February 2019 and was referred to nephrology and endocrinology because he is in a state of hormone disruption. Her kidneys are functionally normal and her endocrinology has calmed down by stopping hormone disruption with supplements.
During transplantation, her stomach becomes tight and gassy when she eats, but her appetite increases in contrast. She is experiencing symptoms related to endocrine abnormalities such as abnormal menstruation, insomnia, obesity, and hair loss, but fundamentally, she believes that the other symptoms will not resolve until the gastrointestinal problems are resolved.

Basic Information

Patients : 30’s Female
Attending physician : Haruna Clinic
Medical institution in charge of transplantation : Haruna Clinic

Information at the time of initial medical examination

Disease name : Constipation, hair loss, obesity, hormonal abnormalities, insomnia
Time of onset : 20 years old
Transplant Purpose: To Constipation
Sleep disturbance
Other (hair loss,
Menstrual irregularities, hormonal abnormalities)
Chief complaint : Obesity, hair loss, constipation, upset stomach, irregular menstruation
Medications being taken :

Herbal medicine, pro- and pre-biotics
Use Lasix and progesterone cream at your own risk

Medical history :


Background, family history, lifestyle, supplement use, etc :

Transplant Information

Transplantation period: from September 14, 2019 – December 5, 2019
Number of transplants : 6 times
Change from first transplant to end of transplant :

During the six transplants, there was no change at all.

【1st transplantation questionnaire】
My tummy is still upset. I had an enema this morning because there was no stool.
I explained to her that she should not think about the transplant in her head, but rather accept the fungal fluid with a relaxed mind.
【2nd transplantation questionnaire】
After the first transplant, there was no bacteria solution, and her stomach was still tense. There was a burning sensation as if he had a boil.
Yesterday, an enema was given. Today, her stomach is still tight and her tummy is not moving well.
【3rd transplantation questionnaire】
The tummy is very tense and the movement of the tummy is not good today. Even after stools were taken, the tension remained the same and was not relieved.
Palpation also shows abdominal fullness. However, he said that even with the tension, on the contrary, he can eat food.
There was no bacterial fluid. Swelling feeling is also tight.
【4th transplantation questionnaire】
If she doesn’t eat, her abdomen doesn’t become tense. When she eats, her lower abdomen becomes tense right after she finishes eating.
She has a craving for sweets, but does not eat them.
Stools do not come out without enema because of abdominal tightness. It becomes easier when the gas is released a little by enema.
This time, bowel sounds after transplantation were quite good.
【5th transplantation questionnaire】
The patient’s tummy condition did not change at all after 4 transplants. When she eats, her stomach becomes tense, but her appetite increases. Without enema, her tummy became more and more tense and bloated.
Before transplantation, her tummy is somewhat tense and her abdominal movements are poor.
Hair loss, insomnia, and menstrual irregularity remained unchanged.
【6th transplantation questionnaire】
The patient’s tummy was a little tense and bulging before the transplant, and her tummy movement was poor. Her tummy moves well when the fungal fluid is inserted.

Changes after completion of transplant :
No change

Evaluation and Discussion

Transplant Evaluation : No change
Pre- and post-transplant flora balance test changes :

In the pre-transplant flora test, diversity is poor except for the number of C.claster group detected. However, the content of the C.claster group is very poor. As for the percentage of equol-producing bacteria related to female hormones, it is not a problem, and there may be other causes of hair loss.

Blood test changes : Not implemented

< Intestinal flora balance 1st data >

His/her experience (from the questionnaire) :
I don’t feel any different after the transplant.
Adverse events: No
Transplant General Comments and Discussion :
He has had 6 transplants, but there has been no change.
He is mentally trying to grow the bacteria in a positive manner and is reviewing his diet and lifestyle. However, his symptoms are not getting better, and he is becoming impatient.
The intestinal movement is a little after the transplant, but it feels as if the intestines are in a state of paralysis. Fundamentally, I believe that the endocrine abnormalities will not be resolved until the gastrointestinal problems are resolved.

… and upwards

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