Case reports
July 28, 2021
Ulcerative colitis, male in his 60s -Fecal microflora transplant case report
Case presentation 60s male, ulcerative colitis summary Intestinal flora transplantation performed for ulcerative colitis (rectal type), mild bleeding and diarrhea.No significant change at 6 months after completion of 6 cycles. Endoscopy was unchanged. Basic Information Patients :Male in his 60sAttending physician :Luke’s Ashiya ClinicMedical institution in charge of transplantation :Luke’s Ashiya Clinic Information at the […]
July 18, 2021
Autism Spectrum Disorder: A 3-Year-Old Boy with Fecal Microbiota Transplantation Case Report
Case presentation 3-year-old boy, autistic spectrum disorder summary At the checkup at age 3, the child could not draw a circle with a crayon. Could not put on and take off his clothes by himself, and could not say his own name. He is not in the habit of chewing his food well. Could not […]
May 15, 2021
A 6-year-old boy with autism spectrum disorder
Case presentation 6-year-old boy with autistic spectrum disorder summary At the time of the first blood draw, the patient was sweating and resisting strongly, and three adults held him down while performing the transplant.He came to the hospital crying until the second transplant, but after the third transplant, he became accustomed to the procedure and […]
May 08, 2021
Fecal microflora transplant case report] Other diseases (chronic sinusitis, etc.) 80s female
Case presentation Female in her 80s, other diseases summary Case presentation Female in her 80s, other diseases < Intestinal flora balance 1st data > < Intestinal flora balance 2nd data > … and upwards Return to Top of Case Studies
May 01, 2021
Fecal microflora transplant case report] Ulcerative colitis, 50s male
Case presentation: Male in his 50s, ulcerative colitis summary Subjective symptoms (diarrhea, frequency of bowel movements, high gas, etc.) are indicators. After the first transplant, gas retention improved and stools became slightly firmer. After the second transplant, abdominal and defecation symptoms continued to improve. In addition, the chronic nasal obstruction also improved. Basic Information Patients […]
February 15, 2021
Autism Spectrum Disorder 9-year-old boy – Intestinal flora transplantation case report
Case presentation 9-year-old boy with autistic spectrum disorder summary Hyperactive, but quiet with parental attention. He is absorbed in playing games on his cell phone.His speech is faltering, but he is producing a few words. He responds to instructions but does not seem to have true understanding. Also, he is not communicating or being mindful.At […]