Case reports

Case reports

January 06, 2020 Atopy/AllergyMedical Corporation Haruna ClinicOther Diseases

Atopic dermatitis and hair loss, female in her 30s -Fecal microflora transplantation case report

Case presentation: Female in her 30s,  atopic dermatitis and hair loss (under observation) summary She had atopic dermatitis since she was 10 years old and was treated with Chinese herbal medicine, acupuncture, and steroids, but it never got better and worsened during puberty and at age 20.Hair loss started after the birth of her first […]

December 17, 2019 constipationMedical Corporation Sakura Shinkai Sante Clinic

Constipation Syndrome, Female in her 50s -Fecal microflora transplant case report

Case presentation: Female in her 50s (Chinese nationality), constipation (under observation) summary In August of this year, he visited our outpatient clinic for improvement of constipation symptoms. After conducting an intestinal flora balance test, 6 transplants were performed based on twice-daily transplants. During the transplantation, there was a slight improvement in constipation symptoms, but diarrhea […]

December 17, 2019 Medical Corporation Sakura Shinkai Sante ClinicOther Diseases

Other disease (gas retention) 50s male -Fecal microflora transplant case report

Case presentation: Male in his 50s (Chinese nationality), gas retention (under observation) summary While he was confident in his health, he was aware that he had been experiencing more intestinal emissions for some time. He visited our outpatient clinic in August 2019. She has 2-3 bowel movements/day. After the intestinal flora transplantation counseling, she applied […]

December 11, 2019 Medical Corporation Keimeikai Kimura Hospitalulcerative colitis

Ulcerative colitis, male in his 60s -Fecal microflora transplant case report

Case presentation: Male in his 60s, ulcerative colitis (under observation) summary He has had bloody stools and abdominal pain since January 2018. Symptoms persisted and was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis in November 2018 after colonoscopy and other tests. She started Lialda 4800 mg, but her symptoms persisted and her weight decreased by 4 kg, so […]

September 24, 2019 Atopy/AllergyLuke's Ashiya Clinic

Atopic dermatitis, 30s female -Fecal microflora transplantation case report

Case presentation: 30s female, atopic dermatitis summary A patient with atopic dermatitis from childhood, exacerbated by stress, underwent six transplants over a period of about a month without immediate improvement. The patient’s condition improved dramatically 4 months after transplantation, following lifestyle modification and the addition of supplements. It suggests that depending on the patient’s condition, […]

August 09, 2019 Luke's Ashiya Cliniculcerative colitisVIDEO.

Ulcerative colitis, male in his 30s -Fecal microflora transplant case report

Case presentation: Male in his 30s, ulcerative colitis summary He has had recurrent diarrhea and abdominal pain since childhood. In 1993, he underwent a thorough examination for the same symptoms. He was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, and depression, and was treated with gastrointestinal drugs, anti-inflammatory drugs, and depression medication. Currently, she is […]