Intestinal flora transplantation and case studies

Atopic dermatitis and hair loss, female in her 30s -Fecal microflora transplantation case report

Case presentation: Female in her 30s,  atopic dermatitis and hair loss (under observation)


She had atopic dermatitis since she was 10 years old and was treated with Chinese herbal medicine, acupuncture, and steroids, but it never got better and worsened during puberty and at age 20.
Hair loss started after the birth of her first daughter 12 years ago and she had almost no hair growth. 1 year ago she received flora transplant twice at another clinic, but did not respond or He decided to undergo transplantation at our institute at the recommendation of his brother because he did not feel any change.

Basic Information

Patients : 30’s Female
Attending physician : Haruna Clinic
Medical institution in charge of transplantation : Haruna Clinic

Information at the time of initial medical examination

Disease name : Atopic dermatitis, hair loss
Time of onset : Around 10 years old
Transplant Purpose: To Allergy (atopic dermatitis)
Other (hair loss)
Chief complaint : Eczema from the neck up, facial redness, hair loss
Medications being taken : Dermatologist prescribed steroid ointment, oral if it’s bad, maybe steroids
Steroids are applied every two days.
Medical history : Gastritis in 2016
Background, family history, lifestyle, supplement use, etc : Nothing

Transplant Information

Transplantation period: from May 26, 2019 – October 15, 2019
Number of transplants : 13 times
Change from first transplant to end of transplant :

The redness of the face has improved a little since the first transplant. After that, the skin condition seemed to have improved a little and a little hair was growing on the head.
However, she started to have constipation after the 6th transplant, and her bowel movements were once every few days instead of every day. Later, from May to summer, the skin rash on his face worsened with the heat.
The redness of his face and the skin rash gradually calmed down as additional transplants were made along the way. Worsening due to heat and sweat still remains an issue.

【1st transplantation questionnaire】
No tummy upset during the transplant and everything is fine.
The transplant was continued with dietary guidance.
【2nd transplantation questionnaire】
The redness of her face was less than that of the first transplant when she came to .
【3rd transplantation questionnaire】
There is a little redness on the face, but it is less than before.
The degree of itchiness has decreased and the skin feels softer.
No rebound has occurred.
【4th transplantation questionnaire】
There is some redness on the face, but it is more even than the first time.
【5th transplantation questionnaire】
The redness of the face has come out a little, and the itchiness has come back a little.
There is no sign of growth on the scalp.
【6th transplantation questionnaire】
Redness and itchiness on the face are coming back a little.
Dry eczema on fingertips, neck, and face. Hair is unchanged.
【7th transplantation questionnaire】
The redness and itchiness increased from the neck to the face after the 6th transplant, and the skin was peeling off. When she came to the clinic, her skin had peeled off and the redness of her face had decreased.
【8th transplantation questionnaire】
The eczema on her body was clearing up, but the redness on her face was better than before, but the redness kept recurring. Her bowel movements became a little worse after the transplant.
【9th transplantation questionnaire】
Skin condition is a little better, but the degree of itchiness is the same.
【10th transplantation questionnaire】
The redness of the face is a little red, but the itchiness is slightly itchy.
Scaling is not noticeable for not applying ointment.
Scalp seems to be growing hair a little longer.
【11th transplantation questionnaire】
The skin is not in bad shape. The redness of my face is getting better.
However, there is not much change in her hair, although it seems to have grown a little.
Constipation is gone.
【12th transplantation questionnaire】
After the 11th transplant, her skin condition had calmed down.
The redness did not go away this time, although it was no longer aggravated by the change in temperature. Bowel movements are about twice a week.
The redness has gone down since she started drinking nanobubble water. Bowel movements also started to occur every day.
On the day of transplantation, her skin was in good condition and there was no redness.
There was no significant change in her head hair, and she had only a few hairs.
【13th transplantation questionnaire】
Skin was in good condition until May.
In summer, a slightly damp skin rash and redness of the face appeared.
Itching was also severe, but when the weather cooled down a little, the skin turned dry and itchy.
At the time of visit, facial redness is better.
Considering next transplant.

Changes after completion of transplant :
The skin rash is better than before, and he would like to continue with a few more additional transplants.

Evaluation and Discussion

Transplant Evaluation : Mild improvement of symptoms
Pre- and post-transplant flora balance test changes : Clostridial diversity is emerging.
Clostridium 9 is more common, and there is some mental instability in chronic symptoms.
The percentage of bifidobacteria is increasing.
Blood test changes :

Not implemented

POMS2 SCORE CHANGE : Not implemented

<Intestinal flora balance before and after transplantation>

His/her experience (from the questionnaire) :
He said that no matter what he did, it did not get better, but now he could see some improvement, and he is hopeful for the future.
Adverse events: No
Transplant General Comments and Discussion :

Overall, the skin condition is improving. However, the skin condition is not yet completely stable, as the heat and perspiration are aggravating the skin. However, mentally, he seems to have found hope of getting better and seems to be stabilizing. In addition, there is no sign of hair growth from the laying down of hair, so this remains an issue to be addressed in the future.

… and upwards

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