Intestinal flora transplantation and case studies

Allergic bowel syndrome in a 60-generation woman – A case of fecal microbiota transplantation

Introduction to the 60s Allergic Bowel Syndrome in Women


IBS/SIBO Three FMTs for somatoform disorder.
She complained of abdominal pain and bloating at each FMT and continued to have complaints after FMT, but they gradually decreased.

Basic Information

Patients : Woman in her 60s
Attending physician : Luke’s Ashiya Clinic
Medical institution in charge of transplantation : Luke’s Ashiya Clinic

Information at the time of initial medical examination

Disease name : irritable bowel syndrome
At onset : Around April 2016
Transplant Purpose: To Improvement of disease
Chief complaint : Abdominal pain, gas, constipation, diarrhea, weight loss
Medical history : Sterilization with herbs and biofilm agents, diet, etc.
Background, family history, lifestyle, supplement use, etc : Nothing

Transplant Information

Transplantation period: from 2021/9/30~2021/10/15
Number of transplants : 3 transplants

Change from first transplant to end of transplant :

Complaints of abdominal pain and bloating at each FMT. Mild improvement of constipation.
The patient’s complaints continued to be relatively indefinite after the FMT, but they are gradually decreasing.

【1st transplantation questionnaire】
(From a patient)
Left lower abdominal pain and a rumbling sensation, especially after eating, which is strong and prevents eating much.
He has been seeing a psychosomatic physician for 2 weeks and has a prescription. When she takes the medication, her abdominal condition worsens.
Every day the gas buildup is worse in the morning and better in the evening and at night.
I have not been able to sleep at all since September. I take sleeping pills internally, but 3-4 times a week I can’t sleep at all.
Dreams are nightmares, but the content is unknown.

【2nd transplantation questionnaire】
Speech is frequent. During conversation, his facial expression is calm and his eye opening is firm.
Abdominal pain also seems to be decreasing.

(From a patient)
My stomach hurts. Yesterday I was able to eat dinner and take sleeping pills to sleep.
He took a laxative and had a solid Bristol Scale type 5 stool this morning.
Left abdomen feels tense and painful in the morning.
After the first FMT, there was a bowel movement after dinner.
Abdominal pain persists. Worried that it may be a rebound reaction.

A few days after the second transplant, the patient complained of abdominal pain.

【3rd transplantation questionnaire】
Prior to transplantation: complaints of discomfort and pain.
Post-transplant: Laughing. Able to walk with straight posture, but complains of abdominal pain.

(From a patient)
Increased abdominal pain for a week. Eating less and less.
Today, abdominal pain again, starting after defecation. Abdominal pain is common in the morning.

(After transplantation)
It was a relief to get the transplant done.

[Third post-implantation evaluation].
The effect of FMT is currently unknown.

Questionnaire 8 months after transplantation
(From a patient)
It was doing well for a while after the transplant, but returned after May.
He cooks his own meals; practices GFCF (gluten-free and casein-free) and low FODMAP. She is conscious of soluble fiber rich foods.

Questionnaire 11 months after transplantation
There is improvement in mood swings and irritability.
Her expression is brighter. Pain is also reduced.
Orbital area improved with muscle tension breathing exercises. Recommend practicing more breathing exercises.

(From a patient)
Appetite is good. Defecation type5-6. Pain is about half of the previous pain. There is a rumbling tension.
Diet is low FODMAP conscious. Root vegetables are avoided.
He took up yoga and bowling. He also went to baseball. I could drink beer.
I am no longer frustrated. I can now say, “I can handle it.


Intestinal flora balance Comparative data

Evaluation and Discussion

Transplant Evaluation : Mild improvement of symptoms (improvement of constipation)
Adverse events: No

Yes (mild abdominal pain)


Transplant Evaluation :
FMT against IBS SIBO.
After FMT, the patient continued to have relatively indefinite complaints, but they are gradually decreasing.


… and upwards

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